
Okay, that’s all, I can understand your explanation,” interrupted my friend. Just say, Shasha. “When we talk about sustainable fashion, sorry, I mean sustainable in fashion, that means we talk about sustainability from upstream to downstream. That means, it concerns all aspects of the supply chain in the fashion industry. My next question is, can fast-fashion clothes by themselves be called unsustainable fashion? So, what do you call clothes made by a designer who supposedly uses organic dyes and materials but pays workers wages that are below standard? Sustainable fashion or unsustainable fashion?

Shasha, this friend is really critical. I enjoyed the pursuit of such skeptical questions, allowing the discussion to flourish.

Responding to that, I agree with the opinion of Orsola De Castro, founder of the Estethica Program London Fashion Week, initiator of Fashion Revolution Day and founder of the Upcycling Label, From Somewhere. He said, “don’t call it that (sustainable fashion)! Don’t ever put the words fashion and sustainability too close together. There has to be something in between, otherwise it makes no sense (Jorinde Croese, Anything but Sustainable Fashion: Orsola De Castro, 2015).

Fashion is fashion. Fashion should be sustainable, in the sense of creativity, business and supply chains must continue to be developed by paying attention to badak togel environmental and humanitarian aspects. The meaning of sustainability does not only concern the relationship between humans and the environment, but also the relationship between humans, communities and their institutions (Seidman in Annamma Joy et al., ibid, p. 274).

The principles are “respect for people (at all levels of the organization), communities involved in the supply chain; respect the earth, recognizing that resources are limited; and gain benefits from adhering to these principles” (Langenwater in Annamma Joy et al., ibid, p. 275).

Fashion that is produced without respecting aspects of humanity, justice and the environment, such as fast-fashion production methods, is still called fashion. Likewise with fashion that is produced more humanely and pays attention to the environment. What differentiates the two, the first is made unethically, while the second is made ethically. If it must be given a name, as De Castro said, “call it anything but sustainable fashion” (Jorinde Croese, ibid).