At this age, your little one usually understands that if Mom or Dad has to go, it doesn’t mean he will leave them and never come back forever. He now understands that figures or objects that disappear for a while can return again.
Therefore, you can teach him that you are still there even though he can’t see him, or explain that you will be leaving but only for a while so that he feels comfortable and safe.
Pretend or imaginative play, suitable for babies aged 1 year, to stimulate their imagination. Mothers can give them dolls, cars, telephones, or cooking utensils.
To train fine motor skills, mothers can give your little one a badaktogel plastic cup or bowl filled with biscuits, so he can practice picking them up and putting them back into the cup or bowl.
To stimulate your little one’s creativity, you can invite him to draw, using crayons, large colored pencils and paper. Free your little one to doodle according to his imagination and creativity, OK, Mom.
You can also give toy musical instruments and picture story books. To stimulate his cognitive abilities, you can give him a block-shaped puzzle or one with rather large pieces.
Cognitive skills are related to your little one’s ability to think, understand and respond to any information that you give him. Well, this development is marked by your little one starting to be able to explore toys or the world around him.
In other words, children’s play skills have begun to emerge at this age. For example, your little one can imitate movements and sounds, and can play pretend.
As his brain memory develops, your little one can find hidden toys. For example, the mother deliberately makes the baby see that the toy is hidden or moved. Then, ask him to find it again.
Mothers can also give moving toys, and your little one can usually follow the moving toys.
At the age of 18 to 24 months, the baby’s memory is increasingly developing. Children can now look for hidden toys without seeing their movement.
Your little one can also be invited to play symbolic games. He no longer plays by pretending to eat himself, but may be able to play feeding a teddy bear and can imitate the homework he usually sees.
While your little one is playing, always ensure safety around the play area, ma’am. Mothers can cover the corners of the table with a soft cloth, cover the switches, and not place breakable items, such as jars or ceramic pots on the floor.
As much as possible, always supervise when your little one starts learning to walk. Also make sure the door of the house is always locked and the stairs are fenced/barriered to avoid unwanted things.
- Appreciate the things your little one achieves
Even though it seems simple, it turns out that the appreciation that Mother shows for your little one’s efforts and achievements has quite a big impact, you know!
The appreciation that you show can foster motivation in your little one to show the expected behavior.
For example, your little one voluntarily gives his favorite snack to his older sibling. His willingness to share this is a great achievement and deserves appreciation from Mother.